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Have you ever had the desire to rekindle ties, reaffirm traditions, and celebrate the wondrous times of your past? What part of your family experience has had the most impact on you today? Is it your brother or sister with which you shared your adventures and memories? Is it your mother or father that made an indelible mark on you?

A reunion is a time to come together once again. It affords us a chance to touch each other s lives, and renew relationships for tomorrow. A reunion brings together family and old friends that shared a unique and irreplaceable part of our yesterdays. We have expanded our family through marriage and birth. Our husbands, wives and children don t fully understand what we remember and they didn t know us back then.

Many of us are still seeking a sense of community, a kind of living link to our past. Few things in life are as lasting as family. Sometimes we forget how our relationships of our youth have added to the persona that we are today.

As for life and fate, the past can never be re-gained, however, we can rejoice in those spirited memories our parents helped to foster. Every experience we joyfully share represents a thread that has been woven into the fabric of our lives.

John L. Yelavich

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